Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cell Phones

The purpose of the article is to show how people are addicted to cell phones and how they can cause a lot of fiction. Three main points the Author has to support his ideas are: 1) Cell phone-related rudeness- I agree with this statement because it is true that cellphones causes rudeness. People pick up on the slang through there messages, that when they go to talk to someone as one-on-one, their not really that respectful on wording they use, because they use it so much on their phones, that its stuck in your brain. Or even when someone is trying to ask you something or tell you something that could be important but they cant because you off in your own cell world.  2) Our brain is hard-wired to pay attention to the unpredictable- I agree with this statement because we lose out on information that is said because we are to busy texting away. You get so into your phone that you automatically block everything out of your head. 3) Not being able to talk to people face-to-face- I agree with this statement because now a days people are to afraid to talk to your face. Its all about the facebook, texting, twitter, ect. Nobody likes to get the truth out and only can do it through messaging. In my opinion I believe cell phones are acceptable in regular days, because you can stay contacted with parents to make sure your safe and okay, important phone calls from work, making plans, or even your love life. Its also not acceptable for situations when your at school, and the teachers are trying to teach but your to busy texting and missing all the important information. Also when someone is trying to speak with you and your texting, they might think your not interested or your being rude. Banning cell phones in schools, theaters, and public places is taking it a little to far, because its not needed, if people think its annoying in the movies, then move. In school, phones should be put away and not in sight but if your waiting for a important phone call because of a death, i believe you should be allowed to have your cellphones on you. If your in a situation where your driving, yes it should be banned because, " Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. That is enough time to travel the length of a football field", and this is what causes deaths and extreme accidents.