Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Creative Hour- My life as a Pinata

 My Life as a Pinata.
As I sat on the shelf of an old dollar store, I sunk down and waited for a new day. I would watch and watch as people will hurry around the store looking for items they needed. Nobody would see me, nobody seem to want me. Untill one cloudy day, a young girl came in, looking for something that would excite her friends, something a little girl would celebrate on her birthday. All of a sudden I felt a warm touch upon my star shape body. I was being lifted up! The joyment and pleasure I felt was increasing as I was finally going to leave my location. We got home from the store and entered a fabulous home where I couldn't keep my eyes shut... well if I had eyes. The next day the little girl's parents were setting up in the backyard, where their was a massive yard, a lovely pool. I felt I was in the right place. One by One I was being stuffed with Candy, which gave me a ticklish feeling, which I didn't understand why their were feeling me up with delicous treats. I was tide to a little rope after and was being hung from a tree that had an amazing treehouse in. The children slowly started moving in to the backyard one by one, having snacks and drinks, listening to music, playing in the pool, it was really great to watch. Children began to line up, and were being blind folded, and given a decent size stick. I was confused to what game this was? They began to walk towards me taking little steps not knowing where I was hanging. All of a sudden I was strucked in the side. Another one and another one. They took turns striking me from all different angles, I was becoming weaker and upset, becuase I didn't think this was fun at all. A boy came up to me and smashed me right in the gut and a burst of colors came bursting out with treats and toys. Children screaming and running, grabbing as much as they can, and laughing, having a wonderful time. Finally I was lefted alone, and that day I finally knew what a Pinata was made for.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cell Phones

The purpose of the article is to show how people are addicted to cell phones and how they can cause a lot of fiction. Three main points the Author has to support his ideas are: 1) Cell phone-related rudeness- I agree with this statement because it is true that cellphones causes rudeness. People pick up on the slang through there messages, that when they go to talk to someone as one-on-one, their not really that respectful on wording they use, because they use it so much on their phones, that its stuck in your brain. Or even when someone is trying to ask you something or tell you something that could be important but they cant because you off in your own cell world.  2) Our brain is hard-wired to pay attention to the unpredictable- I agree with this statement because we lose out on information that is said because we are to busy texting away. You get so into your phone that you automatically block everything out of your head. 3) Not being able to talk to people face-to-face- I agree with this statement because now a days people are to afraid to talk to your face. Its all about the facebook, texting, twitter, ect. Nobody likes to get the truth out and only can do it through messaging. In my opinion I believe cell phones are acceptable in regular days, because you can stay contacted with parents to make sure your safe and okay, important phone calls from work, making plans, or even your love life. Its also not acceptable for situations when your at school, and the teachers are trying to teach but your to busy texting and missing all the important information. Also when someone is trying to speak with you and your texting, they might think your not interested or your being rude. Banning cell phones in schools, theaters, and public places is taking it a little to far, because its not needed, if people think its annoying in the movies, then move. In school, phones should be put away and not in sight but if your waiting for a important phone call because of a death, i believe you should be allowed to have your cellphones on you. If your in a situation where your driving, yes it should be banned because, " Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. That is enough time to travel the length of a football field", and this is what causes deaths and extreme accidents. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Journal #1: Candy

"If shes addicted... "He shrugged "She won't leave him--She can't. That's how it works." (Pg.148)

I chose this quote because it reminds me of our world in general. Theirs bad guys that will suck young girls into their business and make them feel good about themselves. They'll chose girls that they feel are struggling through life, so they can play around with their heads, and soon as you look at it, your gone into a seperate world, the world of a addict, who controls you. This connection shows me that not all people are dangerous and are monsters, but that their a person that wanted to be loved and  be looked at like their something. That they're being controlled and theirs nothing they can do about it. They prey on their dealers. Nobody can help them out because people are scared of them and if they did something to help, their will be dangerous feeback. Then again their are addicts out there that enjoy every bit of it, but they cant help themselves, it is stored in their brains. In my specific thought I believe Candy is in need of help because she is a girl that wants to be normal and have friends to love her and family to turn too. The drugs and Iggy are her make believe family that she cannot turn down because thats what gives her a home, food, money, everything. This connection also makes me understand that Joe, is in danger too, because he recieves feelings for Candy in ways that he cant control, and if he keeps on with it, he will eventually be in a deathful situation where he cannot get out of. Also Candy could possibly change Joe and make him part of you addiction, her world, her unsafe steps towards a darken whole in the earth, and have everything fall apart in a blink of an eye. All together Candy and Joe himself are in serious trouble and need to sort themselves out and get help or their will be a turn around in their lives.

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Ultimate Super Power

If I could choose any superpower it would have to be the ability to fly, so I could travel the world in anyway i want, and look down at the people that are struggling through life with their non powerful ways. This ability to fly would give me the power to explore and create a new me, and to solve my un-finished problems. Being able to fly would give me a soul and freedom to breathe and take a minute or two to become something Ive been wanting to become for years, a somebody. I could help my fellow mates in anyway they needed to help them in their lives to create an ending that could last a life time. I could take advantage of my superpower in helping others fulfill their dreams and also mine. I could touch the stars and dream my way through the sorrows that lay inside my weaken body. My strength will get stronger and stronger as I will fly my miserable mistakes to the pass and start to become more happier. Flying would be everything to me, if I could reach out and touch those who are falling apart beneath me. I can benefit from flying to help myself in the future, but also I can help those who are crumbling inside and falling to pieces. Most of all I can re-visit the ones I love the most and make my life more exciting and more helpful to others that surround me. If i could choose any superpower it would be the ability to fly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Interpretive Fiction or Escapist Ficton

In my opinion I would rather choose Escapist Fiction over Interpretive Fiction because Escapist fiction provides a psychological escape from the thoughts of everyday life by immersing the reader in exotic situations or even activities. There for Interpretive fiction typically refers to a parable or fable, as in short stories they convey a moral lesson by using fictitious narrative, which illustrates one or more practical truths.

Lord of the Flies, which is a Interpretive fiction, is a novel about school boys who get trapped on a island and try to fight and survive for their own good. This novel didn't interest me because it was frustrating to have to read 6 pages in to actually understand whats going on. This novel had to much information about the setting, and background info. Lord of the Flies is a long, boring novel and i wouldn't recommend this book to my friends or anybody.

Leslie's Journal, which is a Escapist Fiction, is a book about a teenage girl who falls for a coward and puts herself in danger while cancelling everyone out of her life. This book was very interesting to me, and its a book where you can't just put down and walk away from, you have to read more. Also, mostly all teenage girls around the world can and could relate to this young girl in the book. Over all I did enjoy Leslie's Journal!

Is Hulk misunderstood?

The Hulk is misunderstood for his strong emotions, such as anger, terror, and grief. In this case people misjudge him for something he really isn't, a monster. The quote, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets!" is simply true, but it's not for the cause to harm people, its because he's angry. What people need to understand about the Hulk is that this wasn't the life he chose...It chose him. The only time when he presents himself is when hes frustrated and sees him and others in danger. Also when he sees fear in peoples eyes, calling for help. So don't misjudge the hulk, follow by his side, be his friend and he will help you in return when something bad comes your way.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Shakespeare poem

by: William Shakespeare
      HEN forty winters shall besiege thy brow
      And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field,
      Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now,
      Will be a tottered weed of small worth held:
      Then being asked where all thy beauty lies,
      Where all the treasure of thy lusty days,
      To say within thine own deep-sunken eyes
      Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.
      How much more prasie deserved thy beauty's use
      If thou couldst answer, 'This fair child of mine
      Shall sum my count and make my old excuse,'
      Proving his beauty by succession thine.
      This were to be new made when thou art old
      And see thy blood warm when thou feel'st cold.

                I picked this poem by william shakespeare because it has meaning for children and replicate families.Tells you not too waste no time on self pleasure and also reserve beauty and satisfy the world of nature.